Previous incidents
Maintenance completed successfully
Resolved Mar 03 at 07:00am GMT-5
The maintenance tasks were completed, the connectivity of our clients in all our nodes is prioritized, there was some intermittency during the work, but we always kept our clients connected to the Internet.
UISP Application 2.4.80
Resolved Feb 29 at 01:24pm GMT-5
The monitoring software for the entire network is updated.
PPPoE Server Upgrade
Resolved Feb 27 at 01:16pm GMT-5
The PPPoE authentication systems were updated, it is likely that some clients have had problems connecting to the Internet, the quick solution would be to turn off the last mile equipment for 10 seconds.
Interface Updates
Resolved Feb 27 at 02:50am GMT-5
Continuing with the update of our edge equipment, we had to disconnect some critical interfaces that disconnected our clients in order to change SFP+ modules.
Unscheduled power outage
Resolved Feb 21 at 11:25am GMT-5
There was an unscheduled power outage in the area, this put our systems in energy saving mode. Although our services continued to function, there was intermittency on the part of our service providers, who took the opportunity to perform maintenance tasks on our nodes.